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The reference of the  rector of the Odessa national I.I.Mechnikîv university academician Valentin Smyntyna to graduates of all times

Dear colleagues,

13 May 2005 were celebrated 140 years since day of the foundation of our university. For time of existence from its known walls left nearly 130 thousand graduated, who by their own achievements have glorified our country, world science, education and culture.

Modern history of the university, is already published on, 4 volumes of "Professors of Odessa (Novorosiyskogo) university", and published "Graduates of Odessa university".

Today university is 22 thousandth of peoples, 20 thousand student, 1,5 thousand teachers and nearly 2 thousand employee. Amongst them 167 professors, doctor of the sciences, 764 assistant professors, candidate of the sciences, 6 laureate of Ukraine's State bonus and USSR, 5 well-earned figures of the science and technology and workman of the forming the Ukraine.

Our university - furcated educational network in the south Ukraine's. It has its own didactic-scientific centers and branches of the college in Hersone, Nikolaev, Pervomaysk, Illichevsk, Belgorod-Dnestrovsk, South, Teplodar. In these branches learns over 5 thousand student already.

The Dear colleagues, came time to organize the Association of university graduated. For this purpose university invite You to cooperation and ask to fill the questionnaire with given about itself. Want You health and happiness! See you later on the first meeting of the Association of university graduated Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University!

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